A Comprehensive Guide To Furnace Service

The furnace is one of the most important pieces of equipment in a home and should be maintained regularly to keep it running smoothly. Here are some things to look for when maintaining your furnace: 

Furnace service includes inspecting the system for wear and tear, cleaning any filters or air handlers, checking for proper wiring connections, adding oil and gas to the burner if necessary, adjusting flame height and pilot light, and making sure the furnace is in good working order. 


1. Check the air filters on a monthly basis. Dirty air filters can cause your furnace to work harder and increase your energy bills.

2. Check the thermostat every month or so and make sure it is set at the correct temperature. It’s important to keep your home at an appropriate temperature so that the furnace can do its job properly.

3. If you notice any unusual noises from your furnace, be sure to call a professional for inspection. Unusual noises could mean that there is something wrong with the unit and needs to be fixed as soon as possible.

4. If there is ever any debris or dust on the chimney, be sure to clean it off immediately. This can block airflow and result in poor heating performance in your home.

A furnace should be serviced every seven years, but it’s best to have your heating and cooling contractor do the work so you can be sure that it is done correctly.

A gas furnace uses natural or propane gas to heat up your home. It's one of the most popular types of furnaces because it's flexible – you can switch between using gas or electricity to power it. Gas furnaces are also relatively affordable compared to other options, but they can be less efficient than other types of furnaces.

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