How Orthokeratology Lenses Work: A Comprehensive Guide?

Orthokeratology, also known as Ortho-K or corneal reshaping therapy, is a non-surgical method of correcting vision problems. It involves the use of specially designed contact lenses that are worn overnight to reshape the cornea and temporarily eliminate the need for glasses or daytime contact lenses. You can improve vision with OrthoK Lens in Singapore. Orthokeratology can benefit individuals of all ages, providing convenience, freedom, and potential control over myopia progression.

Orthro lenses

The process of Orthokeratology typically involves several steps: 

1. Initial Consultation: The process begins with an initial consultation with an optometrist or ophthalmologist who specializes in Orthokeratology. During this consultation, the eye care professional will assess the patient's eye health and determine if they are a suitable candidate for Orthokeratology.

2. Corneal Mapping: If the patient is deemed suitable for Orthokeratology, the next step involves the corneal mapping or topography of the patient's eyes. This involves using a specialized instrument to create a detailed map of the cornea's shape and curvature.

3. Customized Lens Fitting: Based on the corneal mapping results, the eye care professional will then design and fit a pair of customized gas-permeable contact lenses specifically for the patient's eyes. 

4. Initial Lens Wear: The patient will be instructed on how to properly insert, remove, and care for the Orthokeratology lenses. They will also be advised on the recommended wearing schedule.


Orthokeratology lenses offer a non-surgical alternative to correct vision problems. By gently reshaping the cornea overnight, they provide clear vision throughout the day without the need for glasses or daytime contact lenses. However, it is essential to consult with an eye care professional to determine suitability and understand the potential risks and considerations associated with Orthokeratology.

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