Techniques Used In Leak Testing And Detection

Leak testing and leak detection is a broad field that includes many techniques to find out hazardous leaks in industries. It is quite useful for detecting water leakage in swimming pools, buildings, and different methods used in production and workplace safety.

There are non-quantifiable and quantifiable leak testing methods

These methods can be categorized into non-subjective and quantifiable or subjective and non-quantifiable methods. The simplest method is to immerse the test piece in water and look for bubbles. It is subjective, but the quantifiable result obtained by collecting bubbles is not reliable. Find out how these methods are further carried out by clicking here.

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Some modern methods may not be subjective, but still unquantifiable. Trace gas sniffing is a method where the test sample is filled with a trace gas like helium to detect the leak, but may not give a quantifiable result. However, it can successfully tell the exact location of the drip.

Data driven testing methods

In pressure decay leak testing, the test piece is pressurised to a known pressure and allowed to stabilise. Then any drop in pressure is monitored. If you know the test pressure, test time and part volume, you can gauge the leak rate. You can also do the measurement manually or using a spreadsheet macro. Else, you can also do the testing using firmware or software.

There is also a differential pressure testing that uses a special differential transducer with the ability to detect even small changes in pressure. The method relies on the use of a reference volume and allows you to find out volumetric leak rates in a quick time and accurately.

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